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C Foucault

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Foucault, C. ., Delmont, J. ., & Brouqui, P. . (2002). Malaria . La Revue Du Praticien, 52(9), 1009-15. (Original work published 2002)
Rolain, J. ., Foucault, C. ., Guieu, R. ., La Scola, B. ., Brouqui, P. ., & Raoult, D. . (2002). Bartonella quintana in human erythrocytes. Lancet (London, England), 360(9328), 226-8. (Original work published 2002)
Foucault, C. ., Barrau, K. ., Brouqui, P. ., & Raoult, D. . (2002). Bartonella quintana Bacteremia among Homeless People. Clinical Infectious Diseases : An Official Publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, 35(6), 684-9. (Original work published 2002)
Riquet, M. ., Foucault, C. ., & Souilamas, F. . (2002). Lung cancer with pleural dissemination: why not operation?. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 74(5), 1750; author reply 1750.
Berna, P. ., el, L. ., Assouad, J. ., Foucault, C. ., Danel, C. ., & Riquet, M. . (2005). Pulmonary sequestration and aspergillosis. European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery : Official Journal of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, 27(1), 28-31.
Aboudharam, G. ., Fournier, P. ., Drancourt, M. ., Raoult, D. ., Foucault, C. ., & Brouqui, P. . (2004). Molecular detection of Bartonella quintana DNA in the dental pulp of a homeless patient. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases : Official Publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology, 23(12), 920-2.
Vincelet, C. ., Bruckert, E. ., Le Corff, J. ., Boisson, M. ., & Foucault, C. . (2004). The interest of cholesterol levels in young children. Study in a population of 4,697 children aged 4 . Presse Medicale (Paris, France : 1983), 33(20), 1417-20. (Original work published 2004)
Riquet, M. ., Assouad, J. ., Bagan, P. ., Foucault, C. ., Barthes, L. P., Dujon, A. ., & Danel, C. . (2005). Skip mediastinal lymph node metastasis and lung cancer: a particular N2 subgroup with a better prognosis. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 79(1), 225-33.
Foucault, C. ., Rolain, J. ., Raoult, D. ., & Brouqui, P. . (2004). Detection of Bartonella quintana by direct immunofluorescence examination of blood smears of a patient with acute trench fever. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 42(10), 4904-6.
Foucault, C. ., La Scola, B. ., Lindroos, H. ., Andersson, S. ., & Raoult, D. . (2005). Multispacer typing technique for sequence-based typing of Bartonella quintana. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 43(1), 41-8.